Past Speakers

Below is a partial list of the many individuals who have spoken for Friends' Health Connection over the past three decades.
We will be adding content from some of these lectures if possible
and we will be working to create new content with today's wellness leaders.
Christopher Reeve
Dana Reeve
Barbara Walters
Alan Alda
Marianne Williamson
Dr. Andrew Weil
Dr. Deepak Chopra
Dr. Mehmet Oz and Daphne Oz
Dr. Michael Roizen
Dr. C. Norman Shealy
Dr. Mona Lisa Shulz
Dr. Peter D'Adamo
Dr. Nicholas Perricone
Dr. David Perlmutter
Dr. James Gordon
Dr. Miriam Nelson
Dr. Mimi Guarneri
Dr. Bernie Siegel
Dr. John Gray
Dr. Oliver Sacks
Dr. Stephen Covey
Dr. Barry Sears
Dr. Pamela Peeke
Dr. Tony Attwood
Dr. Anthony Wolf
Dr. Patch Adams
Dr. Caroline Myss
Dr. Larry Dossey
Dr. Mona Lisa Shulz
Dr. Julie Silver
Dr. Ro
Dr. Diana Schwarzbein
Dr. Mark Hyman
Dr. Arthur Agatston
Dr. Martin Kutcher
Dr. Judith Orloff
Dr. Jeremy Geffen
Dr. Diana Schwarzbein
Dr. Julie Silver
Dr. Ian Smith
Dr. Barbara Firestone
Dr. Marion Somers
Alan Alda
Laila Ali
Montel Williams
Deborah Norville
Kris Carr
Gunnar Peterson
Sean Swarner
Dr. Nancy Snyderman
Joy Bauer
Dr. Vandana Shiva
Ed Begley, Jr.
Dr. Vandana Shiva
Ann Louise Gittleman
Rhonda Britten
Rosemary Altea
Anne Ford
Loretta LaRoche
Alan Dershowitz
Naomi Judd
Carly Fiorina
Belleruth Naparstek
Gary Null
Gail Sheehy
CeCe Winans
Elizabeth Edwards
Steve and Cokie Roberts
Richard M. Cohen
Sam Saboura
Doug Wilson
Clinton Kelly
David and Danny Mantle
Carol Alt
Jack Canfield
Peggy Lipton
Kathy Ireland
Dalai Lama disciple Nicholas Vreeland
Valerie Harper
Iyanla Vanzant
Trisha Meili (the Central Park Jogger)
James Van Praagh
Dexter Scott King
Mariel Hemingway
Joan Borysenko
Oriah Mountain Dreamer
Doug Wilson
Doris Roberts
Debbie Ford
Pat Croce
Coach Dean Smith
Rabbi Harold Kushner
Joan Lunden
George Stella
Ellie Krieger
Chef Robert Irvine
Chef Walter Scheib
Masaharu Morimoto
Joe Piscopo
Rebecca Cole
Bob Harper
Devin Alexander
Deirdre Imus
Chef Chris Smith
Dr. David Perlmutter
Dr. James Gordon