"Only in darkness can you see the stars."
When it comes to mental health, I can be shouting on this end of the computer and you won’t hear me. Or, perhaps, even if you do, you won’t believe me, you won’t take it in. Right now you might not have the strength or resources to receive my words – and perhaps you won’t find that inner resource here.
That’s because with mental health such as depression, it is vital that you are under the care of a licensed healthcare professional who has the expertise to help you. If you’re at the end of the rope and can’t put anything forward to find one, then just breathe. Take a moment to breathe and get to your nearest emergency room so that others can find the right help for you.
And when you come back, I hope that you will have the strength and will to read these pages. More importantly, I hope the information – videos, podcasts, stories provide some supplemental support to your professional care during your difficult moments.
At this time, just be. Without judgment. Let your mind calm and know that it’s okay. If you’re depleted of everything, it’s okay. If you hit rock bottom, it’s okay. If you’re filled with should and shouldn’ts and self hate and regrets and grief and anger and fear it’s okay. I have felt these things too. I’ve been where you are. It’s okay. The light is hidden by darkness right now but it is still there. In time you will see a dot - like a star - poking through the darkness, ready to light your way.
When you’re ready – with help from a professional – and with your own baby steps, the only way you can head is up. And if you hear nothing else or close this site now, just know that as long as you’re breathing, as long as you’re here, hope is too.