Session Ten
Diet and Exercise
Practicing strong self-care does not always come easy to those who have dedicated themselves to service. Eating well keeps the body functioning at a high level. These resources discuss nutrition and meal planning, hydration, weight control, exercise and self-care. Many separating military members struggle to keep an exercise routine because new obligations compete for their time and energy. Here, we will discuss exercise regimens for veterans – feel happier/energized, manage weight and reduce their risk for certain long-term health conditions.
Immediately below are videos. If you scroll down further, there is a list of resources provided for you to explore. Inclusion of any video or resource does not mean endorsement by Friends' Health Connection. Each resource should be vetted properly by you to make sure the information is accurate and that it's a fit for you.
Featured Videos
Veterans - Diet and Exercise
Veterans - Diet and Exercise

Why exercise is key for recovering veterans

VHA Nutrition and Food Services: History in Action

Health and Wellness: My Plate
SNAP helps families buy nutritious food with an electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card that is like a debit card. SNAP benefits can be used at stores across the country and at some farmer's markets. SNAP can help you and your family eat right when money is tight. To be eligible, households must meet income tests. Combat pay, Hostile Fire pay, and Imminent Danger Pay are not counted as income for SNAP. All other pay and allowances are counted as income.
WIC provides nutritious food to low income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk. Participants also get information about healthy eating and referrals to health care and other social services.
WIC legislation and regulations also provide state agencies the option to exclude certain housing payments and other allowances provided to military personnel in determining WIC eligibility. These include Basic Allowance for Housing, Family Separation Housing, Overseas Housing Allowances, and Overseas Continental U.S. Cost-of-Living Allowances.
Veterans who live on Indian reservations or other approved areas may be eligible to participate in FDPIR. If interested, contact your Indian Tribal Organization or state agency.
Food That's In When School Is Out! During the school year, many children receive free and reduced-price breakfast and lunch through the School Breakfast and National School Lunch Programs. What happens when schools let out? The SFSP is designed to feed children breakfast and/or lunch during the summer at feeding sites that can include schools, churches, community centers, summer camps, Indian reservations, and more.
Find a summer site in your community with our Summer Meal Site Finder mapping tool. You can also text “Summer Meals” to 914-415-6617 or call 1-866-348-6479 to find a site near you.
Exercise and Physical Activity Guide from the National Institute on Aging
Physical activity is an important part of healthy aging. Check out these articles, which were previously housed on the Go4Life exercise and physical activity website, to learn the latest on how exercise and physical activity can help you stay healthy as you age. Find tips on how to fit exercise into your daily life safely and get motivated to get moving!
MOVE! Weight Management Program
Veteran Workbook:
Food and activity log:
Tips for Meal Planning:
What is MOVE!? MOVE! is a weight management, health promotion program designed to improve the lives of Veterans. MOVE!’s core ideas—encouraging healthy eating behavior, increasing physical activity, and promoting even small weight losses—are easy to follow and based on the latest in nutrition science. With the help of your MOVE! care team, you can reduce health risks, prevent or reverse certain diseases, improve your quality of life, and even live longer!
Food and Drug Interactions
The VA provides a resource on food and drug safety, available here: